Sunday, May 15, 2011

HOW IT CAN BE......????

Here I  wish to say something---

SOME times an artist goes to the stage and suddenly he or she forgets every-thing,
means --A COMPLETE BLANK-OUT ..................a writer picks-up- a pen and
writing something, suddenly he or she feels that every-thing has gone OUT.............
means -- A COMPLETE BLANK OUT --.---

at that time what may be the CONDITION

I have tried to capture that MOMENT -----

I have FELT  it n it can be with any-one.....


How it can be......?????/

I WANT TO WRITE..........


Still not decided,
what I want to write......,
But a fight in-side
some-thing to write.......

One-by one topics are
falling in my mind......
but don,t touch my heart
still undecided.....,

It is must, I have to write
now, I have decided.......,
My heart is throbing
where emotions resided........,,

I picked-up a pen n tried
to pen down in grace......,
Now I have to think only
what to write in race.......

What happened ? every -thing
vanished suddenly........,
With my empty mind I
was weeping senselessly.......

Fingers were shaking,
legs trembling restlessy.....,
Some-one in my heart,
was crying helplessly......

Oh "allmighty" why it,s happening
with me so sadly.....,
Shower blessings n love to
make me happy certainly...

I have to write to satisfy me
and my soul seriously.,
Please, let me live as I want
to live it beautifully............

(Tuesday, April 17, 2007)

Gita Pandit


  1. very true geeta ji,some time it happens... we wish to write but words flee away & we ramian unable to express our thoughts and emotions....
    the circumstances have been painted beautifully by you...

  2. Gita ji, what you have written is universal as far as I have learnt, Creativity is like giving birth to a child, every moment is full of anxiety and apprehension so much so that even while writing or performing there is fear of loosing but moment the writer is able to pen down the thoughts it is the immense satisfaction that engulfs him which is again similar to the smile on the new mother after seeing the face of her child !! This is how I could relate to your lovely poem.

  3. Yes..... you are absolutely right...Mukta ji.

    Thanks a lot

    with best wishes

  4. Thanks...Habib ji....

    this situation is very painful.

    with best wishes

  5. एक दिवस मेरे अंतर ने
    मुझको कुछ ऐसे बतलाया....

    जैसे पक्षी नील गगन के
    मुक्त पवन में ही पलते हैं
    त्यों ही शब्द विहंग को जानो
    ये भी प्रेम रस पी खिलते हैं....

    आँगन में जब फुदक-कूद
    पंछी हैं दाना चुगने आते
    उनकी निश्छल क्रीडाओं से
    कैसे बुझे ह्रदय खिल जाते

    तुम भी अपने उर में जिस दिन
    दाना प्रेम का बिख्राओंगे
    कदम कदम पर शब्द विहंग
    अगणित हसते गाते पाओगे.

    अब गुनता हूँ उच्च स्वरों में
    गीत प्रेम के गाता जाऊं
    गुनता हूँ दुनिया वालों को
    भी यह राज बताता जाऊं.....

    with regards....

  6. Gita,
    Nothing abnormal about this situation, I have faced this often enough in College debates or even when talking about things like Stress Management to Senior Executives.......

    I sit on the keyboard, all charged up and ready to putin a complete article, but the screen remains blank........
    Is a situation like this, it is your Subconscious Mind which is playing truant and is not ready with the material you will use.....Give it time to rearrange thoughts......We normally call it being Out of Mood.........It recovers in time.....not deadline...

  7. Gita,
    Nothing abnormal about this situation, I have faced this often enough in College debates or even when talking about things like Stress Management to Senior Executives.......

    I sit on the keyboard, all charged up and ready to putin a complete article, but the screen remains blank........
    Is a situation like this, it is your Subconscious Mind which is playing truant and is not ready with the material you will use.....Give it time to rearrange thoughts......We normally call it being Out of Mood.........It recovers in time.....not deadline...

  8. गीता दी !
    अभी मेरा ब्लॉग शैशव अवस्था में है,कब परिपूर्ण होगा नहीं जानता पर कमेन्ट देने का मन किया सो:-
    एक दर्द था-
    जो सिगरेट की तरह
    मैंने चुपचाप पिया
    सिर्फ़ कुछ नज्में हैं
    जो सिगरेट से मैंने
    राख की तरह
    झाड़ी हैं-अमृता प्रीतम
    दी! मेरे स्वप्न की तरह है मेरा ब्लॉग
    एक दिन तो मुकम्मल होगा
    फ़िलहाल अभी अपने ज्येष्ठ की रचनाएँ लिख रहा हूँ |

  9. Thanks to all my friends

    I am greatful
    for your affection.
    Anand Kumar ji,
    Raj ji,
    Habib ji.
